The Sasol Agriculture Trust Bursary


The Sasol Agriculture Trust aims to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the South African agricultural industry and provides support for enterprise development projects and emerging farmers. The Trust also supports initiatives aimed at enhancing education and training programmes for farmers and the agricultural industry at large. In consideration of grain’s large contribution to food security in South Africa, the Trust has a particular focus on the sustainability of grain production in the country.

Following extensive engagement with Grain SA, as well as other agricultural stakeholders, Sasol identified the Trust as an opportunity to increase its contribution to a sustainable agricultural industry.

The Sasol Agriculture Trust is administered by independent Trustees for the benefit of the South African agricultural community.

For further details about the Sasol Agriculture Trust Bursary Scheme, kindly contact Beatrix De Witt at Agri Manage Solutions (Pty) Ltd (the Administrators of the Sasol Agriculture Trust) electronically via az.oc.eganamirga@xirtaeb.


Kindly note that The SASOL Agriculture Trust Bursary scheme is currently inactive and will not be offering bursaries for the 2025 academic year. However, interested individuals are encouraged to apply for the other available bursary applications